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1 résultat
The Guppyfriend Washing Bag is the most effective hands-on solution against microplastic pollution from washing. It reduces fiber shedding and protects your clothes. It filters and collects the few fibers that do break. It’s a daily reminder to change our buying habits and washing rituals for cleaner oceans.
Découvert par l'esprit d'initiative https://www.franceinter.fr/emissions/l-esprit-d-initiative/l-esprit-d-initiative-02-juillet-2019?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1562049400
Et article de la marque de vêtements Thelma Rose https://thelma-rose.com/blog/le-sac-guppyfriend-la-solution-anti-microparticules-de-plastiques--n38